
Welcome to Foundation. Children will be working towards the new Early Learning Goals.

Children can come in to the classrooms from 8:30am after the gates are opened. Children will then be able to take part in morning work and other challenges.

School starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. Please phone the School Office if you are delayed. If you’ve arranged for someone else to collect your child please inform the class teacher, teaching assistant or office staff in advance.


Class Teacher: Mrs Bradley

Teaching Assistant:  Mrs Dear

Additional Adults: Mrs Nespoli, Mrs Kalane, Mrs Wilson

 Information for you and your child

At the beginning of each term, a copy of our Foundation News, Knowledge Organiser and recommended reads will be sent home on the Friday of the first week of term.

Advent 1 2024 EYFS Class

Newsletter Advent 1 

Knowledge Map Advent 1

Knowledge Organiser RECEPTION JUDAISM 2

Knowledge Organiser RECEPTION MYSELF 1

News & Dates

See diary dates tab on website and key diary dates on newsletter.


Visit our Policy tab to look at uniform policy.

All clothing (including hats, scarves) must be labelled with your child’s name and class.

PE Day

Children are to come to school on a Monday in their PE Kits

Jewellery should be removed for sports activities and hair tied up.

The School Day

The school day starts at 8.45am

Break –  10.15-10.30am

Your child will be offered a fruit/vegetable snack at morning break time. Children may bring in a fruit/vegetable snack from home, but no other snacks are permitted.

Milk is available at snack time and is free for under 5’s. If your child wishes to have milk once they turn five, please see the office.

Lunch Time – 12.00pm. to 1pm.

Children in Foundation receive a FREE SCHOOL MEAL, which is funded by the Government. You will receive a login code at induction for farm kitchens menus. You need to order your child’s meals by 3.00pm on a Tuesday to receive the meals the following week.

Home Learning

Home learning will be sent home on a Friday after half term. Check out our parent pocket guides and look at our policy. Remember short 5minute activities daily throughout the week will help consolidate learning at home. Practise recognising those graphemes when hearing a phoneme. Reading and writing tricky words and digit recognition to 10.


See our English Curriculum page and library page for recommended reading lists and our reading parent pocket guide. Share stories, make up stories or listen to stories everyday with your child. Record in your reading record when your child has read with a comment on their reading or a smiley face. Your child will be given a reading for pleasure book on a Monday. On a Wednesday your child will bring home their phonic reading book that they have shared in class.

Please practice the tricky words in your child’s Tricky Word Book at home and return Tricky Word Book to school on a Friday. Your child will be tested in school on a Friday. Once they know all 5 tricky words they will be given the next set.


Communication can be made via, Tapestry or by phoning the office after 3.15pm to speak with the class teacher. You can also email and the message will be shared with the class teacher.

Parents Meeting Teachers

Parents’ Evenings are held in the Lent term. This will consist of a 10 minute appointment with your child’s teacher to discuss progress.

During Advent Term a brief written report will be sent home.

During Pentecost 1 parents are invited in to look at books with their children and teachers will be available to answer any questions.

During Pentecost 2 a full Academic Report will be sent home.

At other times, please feel free to come and see us if you have any concerns or worries about your child at school. For anything further, an appointment can be made to discuss your concerns in more depth, or you can email the school on

We want parents to feel welcome in our school. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to help, for example, by accompanying classes on outings.


If you wish, you can donate a book to your child’s class and write a birthday message inside.

St Norbert’s is a ‘Healthy School’ and would prefer sweets, chocolate or cakes not to be brought into the classroom; this includes birthday cakes.

If you wish you can buy a book to donate to your child’s class and it could be inscribed:

This book has been donated to Class … to celebrate the birthday of …

Useful Websites to Support Learning in new tab) in new tab) in new tab) in new tab) in new tab) in new tab) in new tab) in new tab) in new tab) in new tab)

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