Our Governors

Please click here for all information with regard to the Governance for the Multi Academy Trust.

The Local Governing Board’s aim is to work closely with the Multi Academy Trust, Head of School and the staff, in order to help the children at the school achieve their full potential, in a happy, caring environment.

The key elements in achieving this aim are listed below:

  • Monitoring the performance and progress of all the children at the school.
  • Supporting the staff to teach and care for the children.
  • In discussion with the Head of School, ensuring that the resources of the school are best utilised.
  • Forward planning with the Head of School to ensure that the overall performance of staff, children, and hence the school, continues to improve.

To enable the Governors to achieve these objectives, the Board is made up of key groups within the school, parents, staff, the Local Authority, the Church and the community. Some of the Governors are appointed by the Diocese, whilst others are elected.

The appointing body for Foundation Governors is the NRCDES, and the appointing body for Parent Governors is the Local Governing Board.

The Board generally meets once a term the meetings and they focus on finance, staffing, buildings, health and safety and the curriculum. Individual members of the Governing Board focus on particular subjects, ie. Maths, English, ICT, etc.

If you would like to contact the Chair of the Local Governing Board please either write to the Clerk to the Governors, St Norbert’s School, Tollgate, Spalding PE11 1NJ or email clerk@st-norberts.lincs.sch.uk or the Chair of Governors Janet.Havemann@st-norberts.lincs.sch.uk

Governors Declaration of Interests

It is a requirement that Governors register any interests. St Norbert’s Local Governing Board have 1 Governor whom has  registered their business interest. Mrs Janet Havemann Bowser- Art Therapist.

Headteacher (JW) Annual Declaration of Interests

SLT (SH) Annual Declaration of Interests

SLT (SM) Annual Declaration of Interests

Governors Code of Conduct

Members & Directors (Incl Chairs’ information)

Scheme of Delegation

Governance Structure

Business Interests – Members

Attendance at Meetings/Business Interests – Directors

Current Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

Funding Agreement

Annual Report & Financial Statement

Register of Interests for the Accounting Officer

Governors Roles and Responsibilities


Janet Havemann Bowser – Chair of Governors

Being a parent and working with children, as an Art Psychotherapist, has fuelled my interest in education.  I have recently become a Foundation Governor and have enjoyed furthering my knowledge of the educational system and child development. I believe that all the decisions made by the governing body should strive to allow every child the opportunity to fulfil their potential.  As a parent, I feel privileged to be involved in the strategic direction of the school and actively participate in the strong Catholic ethos of St Norbert’s.


Malgorzata Derewonko – Parent Governor

I was born and educated in Poland. After graduating from University, I came to work to England and started my family here. I am a mother of four children and all of them have been educated in St Norbert’s school, currently, two of my children are St Norbert’s pupils.  I was brought up in the Catholic faith, therefore attending my children to this school was of great importance to me. I always have been impressed with the pastoral care the school gives to all of the pupils.  I was appointed as a Foundation Governor 8 years ago as a committed Catholic parent. Being a Polish national I have a keen interest in understanding the British educational system and supporting other parents and children for whom English is an additional language. I am also supporting the school as a link governor for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Based on the school’s achievements, friendly environment, and the dedication of the staff, I would recommend Saint Norbert’s Catholic Primary School to anyone.

Ashley Fulker

Ashley Fulker – Parent Governor

As a mother of a child who attends St Norbert’s, I am passionate about the education of children within the school and wider community. I hope to make sure school life gives them great memories, long-lasting friendships, skills, knowledge and experience to enable them to have the best chance of success as an adult, in whatever pathway life takes them.

I have been in education for my whole career both in teaching and working for the Local Authority.

I will be able to use my skills and experiences hopefully being a great Parent Governor.

NameGovernor CategoryAppointing BodyDate AppointedExpiry of OfficePosition HeldRegister of Interest including Governance Roles in other Educational Institutions
Janet Havemann BowserFoundationFoundation/Trust01/11/202231/10/2026Chair of GovernorsArt Psychotherapy Services
Malgorzata DerewonkoFoundationFoundation/Trust01/03/202429/02/2028None
Ashley FulkerParentParents/Carers17/04/202416/04/2028
Phil CallowElected ParentSep 15Sep 2019Ark ICT; Close friend to member of Staff; Governor at a local Secondary School
Joseph Burns (resigned)HeadteacherSept 16May 2017None
Sylvester Okuwadi (resigned)LASept 15June 20 2007None
Jeanette Jameson (resigned)Staff GovernorSept 13June 2017None
Helen MaltbyElected Parent GovernorDec 16Feb 2018None
Anthony Grunwell (resigned)FoundationDec 17Sept 2020None
Fr James BurkeFoundationSept 20Dec 2020None
Hannah Joe (resigned)Parent05/12/2019Dec 2020None
Christine McManamonAssociate Member06/05/20Feb 2021None
Simon PickFoundation01/10/2016March 2022None
Sister Clarissa NwadigboFoundation01/10/2021June 2022None
Stacey LattimerFoundation01/10/2021June 2022Employed by St. Norbert’s Catholic Voluntary Academy
Anna MaltbyParent01/09/2021April 2023None
Sarah Bright-PhillipsParent01/02/2020July 2023None
Tom HarrisonParent13/05/2024Sept 2024None
Fr. Paul LloydFoundation01/12/2023Dec 2024None

  Governor Attendance