Collective Worship

 “For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them.” Matthew 18: 20

Collective Worship is central to our Catholic faith as a special way of Encountering Christ in our daily lives and through encountering Him, we feel loved. The school nurtures and promotes the Catholic faith through its programme of Religious Education and the day-to-day organisation and relationships so that the spiritual presence of Jesus Christ is clearly evident to all and His teachings are reflected in every aspect of school life.

At Saint Norbert’s we endeavour to make all acts of worship engaging and accessible for all, with Scripture rooted at its heart. Collective Worship should enable children and adults to hear and understand the message, give space to reflect and feel and inspire Discipleship and Missionary Discipleship through actions going forth.

Saint Norbert’s celebrates the Word through Liturgy and Mass both at school and at church and we work closely with the Parish to ensure that there is harmony between themes, actions, prayers and responses so that children are confident to worship and live their faith beyond the school day.

Traditional Catholic Prayers

Collective Worship

The school gathers together on a daily basis to share in the Good News. Each day there is a different focus for the worship. In addition to this, children in each class engage with the Word as a class and have the opportunity to reflect and evaluate Whole School Collective Worships. Children in KS2 classes plan, prepare and lead their own liturgies and acts of worship in class daily.

 Collective Worship Timetable

MondayGospel Celebration of the WordTo reflect upon the Gospel reading of the previous SundayAll Teaching StaffMS Teams Whole School Gospel Worship or Mark 10 Mission online worship
TuesdayVirtues and ValuesCelebrate learning about the value of month/ Catholic Virtue of the TermClass TeacherVia MS Teams in Key Stages
WednesdayClass WorshipTo join together as a community to celebrate learning in the RE curriculumEach year group on a rota. Parents are invited to attend this worshipVia MS Teams Children lead liturgy to Whole School
ThursdayPraise and WorshipTo sing praise and practise hymn for forthcoming celebrationsTeaching staff on a rota Teaching StaffVia MS Teams – Values based worship (Value of the Month or Catholic Virtue of the Term) Whole School
FridayCelebration WorshipTo reflect and celebrate on the achievements of the week. Learn about other significant eventsHead teacherVia MS Teams Celebration Worship Whole School

Collective Worship

The school gathers together on a daily basis to share in the Good News.  Each day there is a different focus for the worship.

MONDAY– Gospel Celebration of the Word

TUESDAY– Virtues and Values

WEDNESDAY– Class Worship

THURSDAY– Praise and Worship

Diocesan and CMAT events hosted online and in person

FRIDAY– Celebration Worship


Gospel Celebration of the Word– this is an opportunity to share and reflect upon the Gospel reading from the Sunday Mass.

Virtues and Values Worship– We introduce the children to the moral virtues and gospel values to explain meaning and examples of growing in faith. Children are also taught about Catholic Social Teachings.

Class Worship– Each class takes it in turn to lead a worship for the whole school.  Parents/Guardians are welcome to share in this worship.

Praise and Worship

To sing praises using traditional and modern hymns and songs.

Celebration Worship– this worship is focussed upon celebrating the learning that has taken place each week.  One child from each class is selected and presented with a certificate for ‘pupil of the week’, recognising the  excellence shown in their learning.

Article 14- You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs. Your parents should help you decide what is right and what is wrong, and what is