Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at St Norbert’s Catholic Voluntary Academy
Disability And Accessibility Policy
SENCO Contact
SEND Co-ordinator at school: Mrs J. Withers, 01775 722889 or email jenna.withers@st-norberts.lincs.sch.uk.
LAC/Post-LAC Contact
Designated Teacher with responsibility for Previously looked after children (Post LAC) and Looked after children (LAC) is Mrs S.Hibbert. sarah.hibbert@st-norberts.lincs.sch.uk
Lincolnshire Virtual School
01522 550274
Statutory Guidance
Our SEND Vision:
At St. Norbert’s Catholic Voluntary Academy we are committed to inclusion and ambition for all. We aim to ensure all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which supports their academic, social, emotional and spiritual development. We work closely with children, parents and outside agencies to support our children, help then become more independent and prepare them for their adulthood. We recognise that many children will experience special educational needs at some point during their school life as there are many factors which may contribute to a child experiencing difficulty in learning. We are committed to working in collaboration with parents to ensure the needs of all children are met.
Definition of SEN: Department for Health & Education, January 2015 ‘Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of practice
‘A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her which is different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’
Aims of SEND provision:
-All children are given equal access to the curriculum and that each child’s achievements are valued.
-We identify and assess children with SEND as early as possible.
-All procedures for identifying children with SEND are known by everyone. There is involvement of the parents and child at every stage.
-We provide differentiation within a balanced and broad curriculum, in a way which supports children with SEND.
-Records follow the child through the school which are clear, factual and up to date.
-We raise staff awareness and expertise through INSET and other CPD opportunities
-There is good resourcing for SEN.
-We maintain close links with the support services, other schools and agencies.
The Local Offer:
As of September 2014, all schools will be required to publish details of its SEN Information Report, detailing support for pupils with special educational needs and/or a disability to compliment the Lincolnshire Local Authority Local Offer. The Local Offer has two key purposes:
To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the available provision and how to access it; and to make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEN and their parents, and disabled children and those with SEN and service providers in its development and review.
Below are details of the current school offer at St Norbert’s Catholic Voluntary Academy and the Local Offer for Lincolnshire.
St. Norbert’s Local Offer 2024-25
SEND Annual Report For Families 2023 2024
Lincolnshire Local Offer for SEN and Disability
Liase: SEND Information Advice and Support Service in Lincolnshire