Chaplaincy Team

St Norbert’s Chaplaincy Team

Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to serve our school as part of the chaplaincy team. Anyone can apply and often children put others forward.
The Chaplaincy team play a vital role in the spiritual life of the school and are supported by the Headteacher, R.E. Subject leader and Collective Worship leader.

The Aims of our Chaplaincy team include the following:

  • To help the school to grow as a community of faith.
  • To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.
  • To support Liturgy, prayer, and the spiritual life of the school.
  • To continue to involve pupils in fundraising for charities.
  • To support the school community to live the virtues and themes of Catholic Social Teaching.
  • To support the school in its Mission Statement.

 The following are our five top tips to help us to be a successful and effective Chaplaincy Team:

  • Listen to each other’s ideas.
  • Communicate with all team members, school and Parish.
  • Encourage everyone when making decisions, to share their ideas and to try their best.
  • Include everyone when making decisions.
  • Lead by example, love everyone, care for everyone especially people you don’t get on with.

Target Type


Steps to Success



Catholic Life To embed the role of School Chaplaincy Team in the School, Parish and CMAT
  • Support and advertise the Rosary club in October and May.
  • Lead on fundraising events for Harvest and Lent.
  • Write letters for planned events.
  • Lead and plan elements of Masses, Liturgies and Service including Reconciliation.
  • Develop feedback and evaluation opportunities for outside visitors.
  • To attend Chaplaincy Team ‘Hub’ meetings with other CMAT chaplaincy teams.
All of Team

Miss Whyles (Collective Worship Lead)

Mrs Hibbert (RE Lead)

Fr. Jim


Catholic Life  To maintain and enhance the Chaplaincy Team and Celebrating Faith web pages
  •  Write updates for the Celebrating Faith section on a monthly  basis.
  • Advertise events via newsletter, Twitter, letter and web page evidence.
 All of Team

Miss Whyles (Collective Worship Lead)

Mrs Wide (Senior Administrator) Website Management

Mrs Hibbert (Website Administrator)

Collective Worship  To embed their role in leading and supporting Worship in School
  •  Help prepare, write and lead on whole school Masses, Services and Liturgies.
  • Attend CMAT and Parish celebrations.
  • Develop relationships and visibility with EYFS and KS1 children through Bible Story time as agreed with Class teachers.
All of Team

Miss Whyles (Collective Worship Lead)



Class Teachers

Collective Worship  To develop approaches to traditional and contemporary prayer
  •  Research and explore innovative prayer opportunities through
  • Lead an interactive workshop based on a traditional prayer.
  • Enhance the prayer life of the school through leading Prayer Pop-Up stations at key times of the liturgical and calendar year eg; Remembrance Days links to Human and Children’s Rights.
All of Team

Miss Whyles (Collective Worship Lead)

Mrs Hibbert (RE Lead)



In addition to our own Chaplaincy Team, we are also privileged to be able to use the resources and support of our Trust Chaplaincy Team:

Our Trust Chaplaincy website: Be Inspirational