School Day

The school hours are:-

Morning Registration

8.45 am

KS1 Break

10.15 – 10.30 am

KS2 Break

10.30 – 10.45 am




1 – 3.15pm

Collective Worship

The school gathers together on a daily basis to share in the Good News.  Each day there is a different focus for the worship. In addition to this, children in each class engage with the Word as a class and have the opportunity to reflect and evaluate Whole School Colective Worships. Children in KS2 classes plan, prepare and lead their own liturgies and acts of worship in class daily.

MONDAY– Gospel Worship at 8.50am

TUESDAY– Key Stage Worship  8.50am

WEDNESDAY– Class Worship at 8.50am

THURSDAY– Virtues/Values/Praise Worship at 8.50am

FRIDAY– Celebration Worship at 8.50am