School Uniform

St Norbert’s Academy uniform is ordered online from Uniform Direct.

Uniform Direct Parent Order Guide

The Governors expect that all children will wear the school uniform, and will be neat and tidy at all times. The school uniform is:-

Winter Uniform

  • navy blue school sweatshirt/cardigan – With Logo ordered through Uniform Direct
  • white shirt or t-shirt (plain) or white blouse
  • school tie
  • grey trousers, grey skirt, trousers or pinafore
  • white/grey or black socks, grey or white tights
  • black shoes or trainers

Optional summer wear

Optional summer wear from the start of the summer term to end of July each year:

  • white open-neck short sleeved blouse/shirt (no tie) with grey skirt/shorts/trousers (Skirts are to be knee length.)
  • pale blue/white checked dress
  • navy school sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo ordered from Uniform Direct
  • Grey, black or white socks are to be worn, grey or white tights


For PE, preferably a school-badged navy T-shirt (ordered through Uniform Direct) and navy shorts are needed, together with trainers/plimsolls, however a plain coloured t-shirt or shorts can be worn as a substitute. This equipment should be worn to school on given PE days (see class pages). Dark coloured, plain tracksuits may be worn in the winter and a school-badged navy hooded jumper or jacket (ordered through Uniform Direct).  Swimming costumes, trunks or shorts, a swimming hat and towels should be brought to school when needed, and taken home on the day of use.

No Jewellery is permitted, other than a wristwatch and one pair of stud ear-rings (no hoops).  Ear-rings must not be worn on days when the child has PE unless the child can remove their own.

Dyed, shaved and ‘sculptured’ hairstyles are not acceptable; neat and tidy hairstyles are expected, with long hair being tied back Hair accessories should be simple and in keeping with school uniform colours – navy, blue, grey, black or white. Parents are asked in their own interests, to label every item of school clothing with their child’s name.

During competitive sporting events, shin pads must be worn for both hockey and football. It is also recommended that they are worn during after school clubs and practice. Gum shields are also to be worn for hockey.